Zandu Chyavanprash - Alveda

Zandu Chyavanprash - Alveda Products

Zandu Chyavanprash

Zandu Chyavanprash Avaleha, is an authentic Ayurvedic Formulation made as per the Ayurvedic Literature of the Ayurveda Saar Sangraha. It is made with 39 precious Ayurvedic Herbs and is Scientifically proven for 2X Immunity. It can be consumed universally across all age groups and two spoons a day helps improve your immunity and keeps you energetic throughout the day. Made with the 100 years of Ayurvdic Wisdom of Zandu from illnesses and be ready to face tomorrows challenges effectively.



Ayurveda isn’t just for those looking to heal specific diseases or conditions. It is great for anyone who wants to prioritize their health, feel better and find balance in their life.

 That’s where Alveda comes in to bridge the world with Ayurveda

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