Vaidyaratnam Shaddaranam Gulika Tablet - Alveda Products
Vaidyaratnam Shaddaranam Gulika Tablet
Shaddharanam Tablet is an Ayurvedic medicine used in treating Vata diabetes related to muscles, joints and nerves. It is traditionally used in Ayurvedic treatment of neuro-muscular diseases such as thigh cramps. It is also used in treating Vata related abdominal diseases such as bloating. Improves digestion.This is good in piles, ascites, leprosy, diabetes, flatulence, gout and grahani.
Pata, Daruharidra, Chitraka, Ativisha, Katuka, Kutaja, Goomutra
Ayurveda isn’t just for those looking to heal specific diseases or conditions. It is great for anyone who wants to prioritize their health, feel better and find balance in their life.
That’s where Alveda comes in to bridge the world with Ayurveda