Himalaya Diabecon - Alveda

Himalaya Diabecon - Alveda Products

Himalaya Diabecon

Diabecon Tablet is a phytopharmaceutical formulation that is used for the management of type II diabetes. It contains natural ingredients and herbal extracts that work together to increase insulin secretion, reduce high blood glucose levels, prevent hyperglycemic episodes, and decrease hepatic glucose production. The tablet is also mentioned to have a protective action on the beta cells of the pancreas, which are responsible for insulin production. Additionally, Himalaya Diabecon Tablet is claimed to help in preventing microvascular complications associated with diabetes and reduce excessive blood sugar levels.

Guggulu, Oleo-Gum-Resin, Shilajeet, Meshashringi, Asana, Yashtimadhu, Saptarangi, Jambu, Shatavari, Punarnava, Mundi, Guduchi, Kirata, Gokshura, Bhumyaamlaki, Gambhari, Daruharidra, Kumari, Triphala,Maricha, Tulasi, Atibala, Haridra, Abhraka Bhasma, Pravala Bhasmat, Jungli Palak, Vanga Bhasmat, Akik Pishti, Shingraft, Yashad Bhasma, Trikatu

Ayurveda isn’t just for those looking to heal specific diseases or conditions. It is great for anyone who wants to prioritize their health, feel better and find balance in their life.

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