Baidyanath Sitopaladi Churna - Alveda

Baidyanath Sitopaladi Churna - Alveda Products

Baidyanath Sitopaladi Churna

Baidyanath Sitopaladi Churna is an anti-inflammatory medicine that is enriched with Vanshlochan, Piper Longum, and Elaychi. The Vanshlochan is a silica-based ingredient that operates as an antacid and improves blood flow along inflamed areas. This in turn reduces the intensity of inflammation around the body.The Piper Longum has pain-relieving properties to combat pain during nasal congestion. Elaychi aids in digestion and prevents bloating and indigestion. Baidyanath Sitopaladi Churna also helps in treating sore throat and coughing symptoms.


  • Cardamon
  • Pippali
  • Cinnamon
  • Vanshlochan
  • Elaychi

Ayurveda isn’t just for those looking to heal specific diseases or conditions. It is great for anyone who wants to prioritize their health, feel better and find balance in their life.

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