Dr. Shrikant Verma - Alveda

Dr. Shrikant Verma

Namaste, I am an Ayurvedic Physician Dr. Shrikant. I am running my own clinic in Bhopal In central India (state Madhya Pradesh).I have 5 years of experience in the clinical practice of Ayurvedic medicine. Many patients come to me after they tried allopathic medicine, there

Dr. Shrikant Verma

Autoimmune Disorders

Namaste, I am an Ayurvedic Physician Dr. Shrikant.

I am running my own clinic in Bhopal In central India (state Madhya Pradesh).
I have 5 years of experience in the clinical practice of Ayurvedic medicine.

Many patients come to me after they tried allopathic medicine, there is a lot of growing disappointment around it. They re-discover natural healing with Ayurveda and it’s a delight to see. It requires time and constant effort, but the result is so worth your time and dedication.
Ayurveda should be the way of life to keep people healthy and happy.

The most wonderful thing is that you need just one personal Ayurvedic doctor to keep you healthy, I can treat all sorts of issues. I am an Ayurvedic Sexologist, Gastroenterologist, Gyanecologist. I treat the most common diseases and Joint Pain with the help of Ayurveda, and also any Urinary, Respiratory, Neurological diseases.
Ayurveda can lead not just to a healthy body but also a peaceful mind. Live life that is full of happiness with Ayurveda!


Jeevaka Award by Himalaya Ayurveda Pharmaceuticals.


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