Dr. Rajmohan P R Brahmakalpam Ayurveda - Alveda

Dr. Rajmohan P R Brahmakalpam Ayurveda

I’am Dr Rajmohan P R, Chief physician of BRAHMAKALPAM AYURVEDA SPECIALITY CLINIC AND HOSPITAL located at Wayanad district Kerla India. I have completed my graduation from Sri Jayendra saraswathi Ayurvea medical college Chennai , Post graduate diploma in panchakarma from Vinayaka Mission Deemed University Salem

Dr. Rajmohan P R Brahmakalpam Ayurveda

Autoimmune Disorders

I’am Dr Rajmohan P R, Chief physician of BRAHMAKALPAM AYURVEDA SPECIALITY CLINIC AND HOSPITAL located at Wayanad district Kerla India.

I have completed my graduation from Sri Jayendra saraswathi Ayurvea medical college Chennai , Post graduate diploma in panchakarma from Vinayaka Mission Deemed University Salem and Post graduate diploma in On Feild Sports Injury Medicine from Tamilnadu Sports and Physical Education University.

I am practicing clinical Ayurveda for last 20 years with special expertise in Panchakarma Ayurvedic sports medicine, Marma manipulation technique, musculoskeletal & neurological disorders.


Margadarshi Award — SJSAC Alumni Association. Awarded for Outstanding Clinician – 2019.


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