Dr. Kiran Kute - Alveda

Dr. Kiran Kute

Hello! I am Dr. Kiran Dattatray Kute, a consulting Ayurvedic physician. My motive of becoming an Ayurvedic doctor is the same as the motive of Ayurveda itself – to protect the health of a healthy person and cure the diseased one. I am consulting in

Dr. Kiran Kute


Hello! I am Dr. Kiran Dattatray Kute, a consulting Ayurvedic physician.

My motive of becoming an Ayurvedic doctor is the same as the motive of Ayurveda itself – to protect the health of a healthy person and cure the diseased one. I am consulting in Authentic Ayurveda lifestyle according to person’s Prakriti (inherent nature). I have around 3 years of experience as an Ayurveda physician for Hair & Skin, including scalp problems. I treat Digestive Problems with Ayurvedic methods, and also joint pain, piles, fissure. etc.

I am also a Child Health Ayurveda Specialist and can guide you with your child’s health and immunity.
I am practicing Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment (Body Detox) since 2017.
I have a Diploma in Naturopathy and Yogic Science (DNYS).

I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Ayurvedic Medicine (BAMS) from “Shree Ayurveda College” in Nagpur, the state of Maharashtra. I am an MD scholar in the city of Nashik in “Rasashastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana”.

Following Ayurveda and practicing Yoga will not just give you perfect body shape but also shape your life, mind, and soul. Book an Ayurveda consultation online!


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