Dr. Gurparkash Singh - Alveda

Dr. Gurparkash Singh

I have completed my studies at a reputed University in South India under the qualified guidance of the best renowned Ayurveda Practitioners in the world.I have reviewed more than 40000 cases of Cancer and Chronic diseases at SGVP Hospital and DARF Ahmedabad until now.I am

Dr. Gurparkash Singh

Autoimmune Disorders

I have completed my studies at a reputed University in South India under the qualified guidance of the best renowned Ayurveda Practitioners in the world.
I have reviewed more than 40000 cases of Cancer and Chronic diseases at SGVP Hospital and DARF Ahmedabad until now.
I am Founder and Research Director of “Asthma-Free World”.(www.asthmafreeworld.com)

In 2018, I got selected for paper presentation in the Management of Cancer through Ayurveda at Harvard University, Boston (USA).
I have extensive experience in treating patients all over Europe and also I am a child health Ayurveda specialist whom you can trust.
5 years+ expertise in treating all Respiratory diseases – especially Asthma, COPD, Allergies.
I am also successful at treating Mental illness and Depression.
You can come to me with any questions on All types of Chronic Diseases, the Endocrine System Ayurvedic Treatment, and Cancer. I will surely know how to help you.

Thanks for going through my profile. I sincerely wish you good health.


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