Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal - Alveda

Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal

I am Chief Consultant, at Dr. Aggarwal’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Research Centre. I also know Yoga and Meditation and have been taking classes since 20 years now.I specialize in Pulse Diagnosis. I have a Doctor of Medicine Degree in Alternative therapies and have 16 years

Dr. Shridhar Aggarwal


I am Chief Consultant, at Dr. Aggarwal’s Ayurvedic Panchakarma & Research Centre. I also know Yoga and Meditation and have been taking classes since 20 years now.
I specialize in Pulse Diagnosis. I have a Doctor of Medicine Degree in Alternative therapies and have 16 years of experience as a Ayurvedic doctor.
I am a master of almost all forms of yoga, meditation and Panchakarma, my speciality lies in curing disease and health problems through the power of yoga and meditation by customizing asanas and poses for each individual’s body type and ailments.
I am also an expert in Reiki, Reflexology and many other alternative therapies. I am treating Kidney failure, all autoimmune Diseases like Type 1 Diabetes, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Diabetes type 2, Cancer and all chronic diseases.


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