Dr. Shivam Joshi - Alveda

Dr. Shivam Joshi

Dr. Shivam Joshi BAMS : Government akhandanad Ayurved, Ahmedabad 2009 MD (kaya chikitsa ) : IPGT&RA, Jamnagar 2013. Ph.D. : IPGT&RA, Jamnagar, 2015. He is doing Ayurveda private practice at Amreli and Rajkot, Gujarat state. He focus on person’s overall health with diet, language, emotion

Dr. Shivam Joshi

Autoimmune Disorders

Dr. Shivam Joshi
BAMS : Government akhandanad Ayurved, Ahmedabad 2009
MD (kaya chikitsa ) : IPGT&RA, Jamnagar 2013.
Ph.D. : IPGT&RA, Jamnagar, 2015.
He is doing Ayurveda private practice at Amreli and Rajkot, Gujarat state.
He focus on person’s overall health with diet, language, emotion and breath care along with personalised Ayurved Medicine.
His focus on persons activation of positive feedback system of nervous system for permanent cure of disease.


Gold medal in postgraduate study


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