Dr. Shehla Abdul salam - Alveda

Dr. Shehla Abdul salam

Hello, I am an experienced Ayurveda consultant from Kottakkal – the city of Ayurveda that is located in Kerala. I have been working in “Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala” Clinic since 2011. For more than 10 years of clinical practice, I successfully treated all types of ailments.I keep

Dr. Shehla Abdul salam

Child Health

Hello, I am an experienced Ayurveda consultant from Kottakkal – the city of Ayurveda that is located in Kerala. I have been working in “Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala” Clinic since 2011.

For more than 10 years of clinical practice, I successfully treated all types of ailments.
I keep my primary focus on Ayurvedic cosmetology performing beauty-enhancing treatments and various anti-aging therapies.
I can create a perfect diet for your personality and help you with Weight Management by absolutely Natural, Ayurvedic means. If you are looking for an Ayurveda doctor for Hair & Skin health and natural methods of enhancing your appearance – Ayurveda has everything to make you look brighter, healthier, and younger!

Apart from that, I am an advanced Ayurvedic Gynaecologist doctor, I treat joint-related issues such as arthritis with the help of Ayurveda’s holistic approach.

It is my passion to spread Ayurveda, the Authentic system of Medicine, everywhere in the world. There is nothing like Ayurveda – the holistic approach that can boost every area of your life.


Jeevaka award


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