Dr. Josna John - Alveda

Dr. Josna John

I am Dr. Josna (BAMS). I am from Kerala, the land known for Ayurveda and Panchakarma. I am practicing Ayurveda since 2014 and specialized in orthopedics, general illness, etc. Presently running an Ayurvedic Clinic (Jeevamritham Ayu care) in my home town and also focusing on

Dr. Josna John


I am Dr. Josna (BAMS). I am from Kerala, the land known for Ayurveda and Panchakarma. I am practicing Ayurveda since 2014 and specialized in orthopedics, general illness, etc. Presently running an Ayurvedic Clinic (Jeevamritham Ayu care) in my home town and also focusing on conducting seminars and medical camps in schools and other institutions. I love to be an Ayurvedic physician and am satisfied by seeing the smiles of patients who got relief from their illness through my medicines and treatment. Thank you.


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