Dr. Jeyashri SK - Alveda

Dr. Jeyashri SK

Hi, I am Dr. Jeyashri, an Ayurvedic Doctor and I’ve been practising Ayurveda for the last 9 years.On my Ayurvedic journey, I’ve been trained in Prenatal Yoga Coaching to help expecting mothers have a stress-free birthing experience, supporting them with the good techniques of Ayurveda

Dr. Jeyashri SK


Hi, I am Dr. Jeyashri, an Ayurvedic Doctor and I’ve been practising Ayurveda for the last 9 years.
On my Ayurvedic journey, I’ve been trained in Prenatal Yoga Coaching to help expecting mothers have a stress-free birthing experience, supporting them with the good techniques of Ayurveda throughout their pregnancy.

As an Ayurvedic physician, my goal is to help people across the world heal through Ayurveda.
I’m a co-founder of “SATKRUTI AYURVEDA”, which is also expanding as a complete treatment Centre. We have a separate Centre run EXCLUSIVELY FOR WOMEN with Yoga Therapy, Pranic Healing, Acupuncture, and Acupressure therapy @ Women’s Health Centre – Chennai.


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