Dr. Darshan Babu n - Alveda

Dr. Darshan Babu n

I am doctor Darshan Babu N from Karnataka, India. I own my hospital with Panchakarma facility. I am interested in treating challenging cases with a traditional touch of Ayurveda. I have successfully treated portal hypertension, ascites, glioma, cardiopathies, chronic skin diseases like psoriasis, etc.I teach

Dr. Darshan Babu n


I am doctor Darshan Babu N from Karnataka, India. I own my hospital with Panchakarma facility. I am interested in treating challenging cases with a traditional touch of Ayurveda. I have successfully treated portal hypertension, ascites, glioma, cardiopathies, chronic skin diseases like psoriasis, etc.
I teach daily more than 100 students about Ayurvedic Sanskrit verses and practical application of the same.
I do practice Agnihotra Homa, Lord Dhanwantari Homa on every pushya Nakshatra. I also practice & teach Chakra Dhyana and Yoga.


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