Dr. Binu C Nair - Alveda

Dr. Binu C Nair

My qualification is BAMS (Bachelor Of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery).Experiences: Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam Shoranur, Palakkad Dist. I got a traditional treatment knowledge from my father Vaidyan P R Chandrasekharan Nair. I have experience of 20 years in medical practice.

Dr. Binu C Nair


My qualification is BAMS (Bachelor Of Ayurveda Medicine and Surgery).
Experiences: Keraleeya Ayurveda Samajam Shoranur, Palakkad Dist.

I got a traditional treatment knowledge from my father Vaidyan P R Chandrasekharan Nair.

I have experience of 20 years in medical practice.


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