Dr. Anjali Padhye - Alveda

Dr. Anjali Padhye

I am an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner with over 24 years of Commendable Success in:• Authentic Ayurveda consulting;• Panchakarma Therapy (Detoxification);• Yoga Therapy (Asanas, Pranayama & Meditation);• Lifestyle Management;• Diet Guidance;• Counselling. Contact me to receive professional Ayurvedic advice and to take authentic Ayurveda consulting.

Dr. Anjali Padhye


I am an experienced Ayurvedic practitioner with over 24 years of Commendable Success in:
• Authentic Ayurveda consulting;
• Panchakarma Therapy (Detoxification);
• Yoga Therapy (Asanas, Pranayama & Meditation);
• Lifestyle Management;
• Diet Guidance;
• Counselling.

Contact me to receive professional Ayurvedic advice and to take authentic Ayurveda consulting.


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