Ayurvedic Treatment for Colon polyps – Alveda

Colon polyps

Colon Polyps from the point of view of Ayurveda

Colon polyp is an extra piece of tissue, or a small clump of cells, that grows on the lining of the colon. Colon polyps develop when cells grow and divide in an abnormal way inside the colon or rectum, leading to a growth that may become big enough to obstruct the bowel. This can happen due to inflammation of the large intestine, or mutations in certain genes that cause cells to continue dividing when they normally shouldn’t. Colon polyps or colorectal polyps can grow in any part of the colon or large intestine, which solid waste moves through before leaving the body. In Ayurveda, polyp-like structures in the body are described as Granthi. Granthi is an aggravation of the Tridoshas Vatta, Pitta and Kapha, which is caused by following an unhealthy lifestyle, having unhealthy food habits and poor hygiene, which result in an imbalance of doshas. That ultimately leads to formation of polyp growth in the body. Polyps are considered very common in adults over the age of 60, they are much less common among younger adults. According to Ayurveda, as each person is different and has different exposure to risk factors, they are differently vulnerable to different types of polyps.

There are two main types of colon polyps:

  1. Non-neoplastic colon polyps include hyperplastic polyps, inflammatory polyps and hamartomatous polyps, which usually do not become cancerous.
  2. Neoplastic polyps are typically large and include adenomas. It is an important part of diagnosis because larger polyps pose a greater risk of causing cancer.

How Ayurvedic doctors treat colon polyps

Ayurvedic treatment of rectal polyps focuses on the treatment of indigestion. Treatment is more effective in earlier stages, but Ayurveda also has surgical procedures like Kshara sutra for polyp treatment, if the growths are large and do not respond to previous treatment. Ksharsutra ligation – blocks the blood supply of polyp mass and it sheds off in 2 or 3 days.
Ayurvedic treatment gives a natural cure of colon polyps. You can easily have an online consultation with our Ayurvedic doctor for the treatment guidance.Ayurvedic medicines for the treatment of colon polyps are Varanadi Kashaya, Guggulupanchapala Churna, Dusparsakadi Kashayam, Triphala guggulu, Gandhaka rasayana.

Tips for effective Ayurvedic treatment of anorexia nervosa:

  • having a healthy, anti-Inflammatory diet, that includes fruit and vegetables
  • increase fiber intake
  • vitamin D may be protective against colorectal cancer and is supportive of immune function
  • consider having more plant-based meals
  • stay active and maintain a healthy weight
  • manage stress and get enough rest and sleep
  • quit smoking 
  • avoid excessive alcohol consumption
  • drink water boiled with coriander and cumin seeds

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